First off, I wanted to say "thanks" to the dude who came into the sauna at the gym yesterday, sat himself right down next to me and started jerkin off. It was just the two of us in there and one thing led to another and the next thing I knew, we were beating each others' dicks off. Why am I boring you all with this story that you've probably all heard (or taken part in) 100 times? Well, to be honest, it was the first time I've ever really fooled around like that at the gym. I work out to work out. I mean, I've gotten a semi-chubby in the showers around good-lookin dudes, but never done anything like what happened yesterday.

Anyways, just wanted to share my "first time" with my loyal readers, LOL. The whole thing was really pretty fuckin hot. I mean, the way the sauna at my gym is situated, there's kind of a hidden corner, but only part of it is really "hidden", pretty much the whole room is visible from the door, which is clear glass. I definitely don't go to a "gay" gym, it's mostly just straight guys, so the whole thing was dangerous and pretty fuckin hot. Neither of us came, but I got pretty damn close! The hottest part is when he spit on his hand before he started wankin' my joynt! I know I'm a little off topic for this particular blog, but hey, I promised myself I'd let this blog take me wherever it takes me!
I would love to hear you dudes tell your "first time at the gym" stories, now that I've made a fool of myself! Post them in the comments section or email me at:
If you email your story, please let me know if it's okay to publish it on the blog (anonymously, of course). I think it might be cool to occasionally post reader stories like this. What do you think??