Saturday, May 12, 2012

More Jocksniffers

Spring is in the air, fuckerz! And along with the scent of cherry blossoms and flowers blooming is the sweet, sweet smell of sweaty, dirty, jockstraps. Take a BIG whiff dudes! I know this is a bit off topic, but leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Ok, so he's not doing it on purpose, but I'm sure he's huffin' it anyhow...

A private moment

Jocks, socks, who cares??

Laundry day!

DAMN! This dude's a real pro!


  1. The smell of it brings up memories!

    1. Yea, I love sniffing and licking a jock and cup, esp after a game. Nothing like a sweaty one with some leftover piss drops in it.

  2. those make the best oxygen masks.

  3. Joey great post .Love the smell of a used sweaty
    jockstrap and the taste isn't bad either.Brings
    back memories of stealing a used jocks strap
    and sniffing them.The greatest smell ever.
