Thursday, September 27, 2012

Did Y'all Get a Good Look at My Jockstrap??


  1. wow hot....but why is it on inside out? You think its his lucky jock and he wears it over and over just flipping it between sides?

  2. Always wonder why people wear them inside out.

  3. OHHHMMMMMGGGGGGG!!!! I think it's kinda hot (or ups the hottness) that he's got it on inside out. Makes you think that he had a hot sex session before taking the field and was in such a hurry to hit the field that he just put it on as it was (inside out)! Woof!

  4. Bike jocks especially have a totally different feel depending on whether you wear them wrong side out or right side out. Our coach could not find a team dealer who could get Bike this year, we ended up with McDavid brand.
