Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm Thankful For...

Bulging footballers...

Skintight gear on a hot jock...

Sweaty jock buttcrack...

Jockstrap waistbands peeking out the top of tight gamepants...

Strapped jocks, of course...

Stinking, sweaty jockstraps that don't belong to me, and...

Jocks who proudly show off their gear!


  1. Guess the football players weren't wearing cups!!

  2. Are the footballers in the top photo wearing sculpted cups, or just freeballing under their pants?

  3. Wire service articles the evening of 11/29/12 have professional football players commenting on rumors that some of them are taking brand name penis erection medicine to increase blood flow and pressure, to enable harder tackles. Is that photo proof of the practice? They might have found it uncomfortable to wear a cup over the results.
    So far, the drug has not been banned, as if it were a steroid.

  4. Most footballers, college and NFL, just don't wear cups at all. Sometimes it a macho thing. I wore one in high school ball, but even then not all my buddies did...

  5. The National Football League had to pass a rule against "butting", using a helmeted head to strike another player. Were the uncupped opponents' genitals the targets that the rule was meant to protect? Were any of your buddies tackled differently because they didn't wear protection?
