Saturday, April 23, 2011

Str8 Up Porn

While I don't usually go off topic with straight up porn shots, but once in a while I'm like, "why the fuck not?" I know a lot of you dudes prefer the real sports shots and that the real life jock shots are like porno to you.. But sometimes I gotta switch things up. So jock up, buckle up and have fun..!


  1. YEAH BUDDY!!!!!...THATS MORE LIKE IT!!!!!.....way too many shots of guys` jocks showing through football pants!!!!!....I mean, they`re pretty moderation!!!!.....too many of THAT kind though!!.....the porn jocks pics are a refreshing releif from the same ol`same ol!!!!...THANKS!!!!!

  2. Thanks funguy, but the blog is meant to highlight jocks showin' strap on the field. Never really intended for this to be a straight up porn site... There's a million porn sites out there without me pilin' on. Anyhow, thanks for the props and keep enjoyin' the blog!

    Joey T.

  3. Thanks funguy.. The blog is actually designed as a tribute to dudes showin straps through their uniforms. The porn stuff is the exception, not the rule. Anyhow, glad you enjoyed it!

    Stay strapped
    Joey T.
