The Coach is the singular person in sports who holds the power over his players to guide their development from rookies to full-blown athletes. Coaches are task masters, big brothers and even father figures to the men they guide and teach. Often times, jocks find themselves closer to their coaches, more bonded to them, than their own teammates. Here's some special, intimate, and even private moments between a Coach and the young men he molds into a strong, athletic machine. From all of us current and former jocks... Thanks, Coach!
Hope I can be as thick and beefy as you someday, Coach! |
Oooh yea, Coach, work that shit out! |
Nice work, Timmy. You'll get your reward later! |
Mmm, fuck yea, harder, Coach! Harder!! |
A VERY special moment with the Coach! |
The Coach's-eye-view is the best view in town... |
I'm just gonna rub this out real good, son.. Hold still.. |
Love you, Coach! |
It's okay to get a hardon in wrestling, son.. Don't you worry about it one bit! |
Wishing Coach would move his hand down a bit more... |
Good match, kiddo... Let's both go hit the showers. Whaddya say? |
We need to get you a tighter singlet, son! |
His favorite time and place in the whole world... |